Termite Inspections
Yes, the desert is home to termites, specifically subterranean termites.
All of AZ Property Inspectors are certified to conduct termite inspections according to the standards of the Arizona State Department of Agriculture – Pest Management Division.
A Wood-Destroying Insect Inspection Report (WDIIR), also known as a termite inspection report, is a document prepared only by a licensed pest control business that informs the lending institution and buyer about termites, termite damage and other issues relating to termites.
We offer termite inspections state-wide including Phoenix and Tucson.

Our termite inspection/report is $70 (and $85 for homes larger than 3,000 square feet). It is conducted in conjunction with the property inspection. The property buyer and real estate agent receive a copy of the report on the same day as the inspection. That report is later filed with the Arizona State Department of Agriculture – Pest Management Division.